TJK Machinery (Tianjin) Co, Ltd
How to Deal with the Oil Leakage of the Steel Bar Cutting Machine Gearbox?

How to Deal with the Oil Leakage of the Steel Bar Cutting Machine Gearbox? How to Deal with the Oil Leakage of the Steel Bar Cutting Machine Gearbox?

A steel bar cutting machine is a tool used to cut steel bars. Generally divided into automatic steel bar cutting machine, and semi-automatic steel bar cutting machine. The automatic steel bar cutting machine is also called an electric cutting machine, which converts electric energy into kinetic energy through a motor to control the incision of the cutter to achieve the effect of cutting steel bars. The semi-automatic steel bar cutting machine manually controls the incision to cut the steel bar. Steel bar cutting machine is an important cutting machine. Do you know what to do if your steel bar cutting machine has symptoms like a transmission oil leak? How to deal with the oil leakage of the gearbox of the steel bar cutting machine?

Ⅰ. Reasons for the oil leakage of the gearbox of the steel bar cutting machine

(1) At present, the sales of steel bar cutting machines are mainly online, so we cannot provide the most reliable relevant information, and customers do not have much time to visit and understand, so their ideas and budgets are limited, so they buy inferior steel bars cutting machine.

(2) A well-crafted steel bar cutting machine is excellent in both material and design. The design of a poor quality steel bar cutting machine band saw is absurd since many of the products are mostly knockoffs. If the exhaust port is not designed or is too small, it will cause an imbalance of internal and external pressure and oil leakage.

(3) The manufacturing design of the steel bar cutting machine does not meet the requirements, and the precision of the joint surface of the box body is not enough, resulting in loose seals and oil leakage.

(4) Improper operation and maintenance will cause multiple blockages, excessive internal pressure, excessive oil volume, high oil level, loose connecting bolts, and the separation surface of the box will not be tight.

Ⅱ. Treatment method for oil leakage of steel bar cutting machine gearbox

To prevent oil leakage, the design needs to be improved. Install ventilation equipment on the inspection hole cover and oil filling hole cover of the gearbox of the steel bar cutting machine to ensure that the pressure inside and outside the box is balanced, the airflow is smooth, and the treatment is improved. In addition, if the main body is deformed, it is necessary to carry out sufficient maintenance work, check and clear the exhaust holes, optimize the oil quantity, and repair the dividing surface of the box body of the steel bar cutting machine. If the deformation is serious, replace it, clean the return tank, and tighten the bolts.

The above is a brief introduction to the relevant content of the steel bar cutting machine. If you have any doubts, welcome to pay more attention or consult TJK MACHINERY (TIANJIN)!

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